I'm just a simple girl who loves the summertime and being with friends and family. I love my life!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Out Of The Office.

I canNOT wait for tomorrow! I am leaving for Winstock Music Festival! My friend and I have been planning this year's trip ever since we got back from last year's FUN time at Winstock.

Last year the weather was not so great...we had to go buy rainboots because it had rained SO much that the mud was a foot high everywhere. No lie. This year it doesn't look as bad but I am pretty sure there is a chance for rain again. :( However, as long as I have my drinks and country music I think I will be a-okay!

I will be away from this little bloggy until Sunday. Boo. BUT! When I get back I will have lots and lots of updates about the weekend and my amazing time seeing all these great artists.

Happy (early) weekend "y'all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

P.S. I do have a cowboy hat and cowboy boots for this very country event. :)

With love,

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